Graphic Design

The Graphic Design module of our program begins with the simple business and greeting cards and ends with each student creating a complete corporate identity for a company of their choosing and the design of their own personal website.

Business Cards

Seems pretty self explanatory to us.

Greeting Cards

Each year our class creates Aboriginally themed Christmas cards in the style of Yukon artist "Ted Harrison". The class sets are then used to create a production run of greeting cards which are sold by the students to raise money for their annual Christmas party.


Each year our class creates many different interpretations of Paskwawimotos or The Buffalo Skull Project. Take a look at our Buffalos.

Recruitment Posters

The Poster Assignment is a graphic design contest which required students to incorporate modern images taken by our class and combine them with supplied text to create a recruitment poster for the coming years AMMP program.

Corporate Identity Packages

One of the two big class graphics projects is the creation of a complete Graphics Identity Package for themselves or a corporation of their choice, either real or mythical. This includes:

  • logos for use in conventional and electronic media,
  • paper products such as business cards, letter head and envelopes,
  • branding items such as T-shirts, buttons and incidentals,
  • a primary website application,
  • a graphic design philosophy and approach for the identity system


The final project of the year is the design and development of a personal website for each student. This project will become their online portfolio and exhibits the best of their Still, Graphic Art, and Video materials. Students may also elect to create a working site for their own client.

Student Websites: